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'Paint Box'

Minimalistic architecture. Solid and massive looking from outside, light and fragile inside. The main reason for the building that size (22m by 22 m)  is the Joseph Gandy’s painting. Suspended platforms from the roof structure, allows visitors to look closer on the painting, as well as form different anlges, hights and distance. From one of the platforms there is an access o the Renaissance gallery, watercolour school or small paper manufactory. Sun shadows panels inside the building create shadow play during the day, flying like birds above the visitors heads. Viewing box allows to look out of the ‘ Paint Box’ to the internal garden, which is the pathway around the building with green walls on the two of the sides. During the rainy days there is happening a beautiful waterfall show, due to the angled shape of the roof. The complex sits on the created grid on the courtyard of the Somerset House, which is designed as an artificial garden, with water ponds giving the reflections of the site as well as lightness to the massive building.

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